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Understanding Different Cultures
Module 2 of 8

Module Overview

The aim of this module is to identity ways and methods to understand a culture different than ours.

Participants will identify that different cultures in the workplace do exist nowadays and the roll of tolerance between people from different cultures; they will understand and be able to define why people from different cultures can behave differently, and will identify nuances in cultural norms and values and key cultural drivers and attitudes.

Time to complete module: 4 hours.

It contains the following topics:

  1. Different cultures in the workplace
  2. Tolerance between people of different cultures
  3. How culture affects a number of crucial factors in the workplace
  4. Self-evaluation test

Steps to be completed:

In order to complete this module you must do the following:

  • Study topics in suggested order
  • Get acquainted with the provided learning resources
  • Prepare practical tasks and assignments
  • Complete a quiz after each part
  • Leave your feedback after the module
  • Repeat some topics if needed
  • Go to the next module

Module Units

2.1: Understanding Different Cultures and the Role of Tolerance

2.2: How Culture Affects a Number of Crucial Factors in the Workplace

2.3: Final Activities

Knowledge and Competencies


  • To define the role of tolerance between people of different cultures
  • To describe why people from different cultures can behave differently
  • To identify nuances in cultural norms and values
  • To find the key cultural drivers and attitudes (i.e. time, space, authority, risk, tasks and relationships)



  • To outline the role of tolerance between people of different cultures
  • To determine why people from different cultures can behave differently
  • To analyse nuances in cultural norms and values
  • To analyse the key cultural drivers and attitudes (i.e. time, space, authority, risk, tasks and relationships)


Module 1: Cross-Cultural Awareness

Jump to Module 1

Module 3: Stereotypes and Cultural Generalisations

Jump to Module 3

This project has received funding from the European Commission within Erasmus+ programme “Cultural risk in the organisation in the globalisation era – competences vs. reality” (No.2018-1-PL01-KA204-051056), The European Commission  does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.