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Elements of Organisational Culture

Leadership and Hierarchy

In this unit, you will be confronted with the topic of organisational culture in multicultural organisation. At the end of the module, a short quiz will challenge your knowledge and application of the unit content.

Organisational Culture in the Multicultural Organisation

Reading Materials

Cultural Integration Challenges

Author: University of Delhi

Organisational Behaviour: Organisational Culture

Author: McShane, Olekalns, Travaglione (McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd)



Organisational culture is a very important aspect in each multicultural organisation. Do you think your organisation has a strong organisational culture? If not – what should be done to strengthen it?


Values may vary depending on the culture we come from. Think about what your values are, what your colleagues’ values are, and what are the values in your organisation. Do they converge?


Think about employee’s socialisation in your environment. Is the socialisation process successful or unsuccessful in your organisation? What can be the benefits of properly implemented socialisation, in your opinion?

Unit 2: Diversity of Cultures in Multicultural Organisations

Jump to Unit 2